cavalry musket for Hussars, 1st Empire, model An 9

cavalry musket for Hussars, 1st Empire, model An 9

Colt Navy Model 1851 revolver

Colt Navy Model 1851 revolver

French Royal Navy officer's pistol, Louis XV period

French Royal Navy officer's pistol, Louis XV period

Naval officer's pistol, Directoire period

Naval officer's pistol, Directoire period

Officer's pistol model 1855 for civilian use

Officer's pistol model 1855 for civilian use

Flintlock Pistol, Octagonal Barrel, France Circa 1800

Flintlock Pistol, Octagonal Barrel, France Circa 1800

Regulation edge pistol - model 1786 - no visible markings because of revolutionary production of 1793 - 1794 control punch on the counterplate and the front of the trigger guard Perfect mechanical condition

Regulation edge pistol - model 1786 - no visible markings because of revolutionary production of 1793 - 1794 control punch on the counterplate and the front of the trigger guard Perfect mechanical condition

rare needle percussion pistol - side hammer - damascus barrel - rifled barrel - unscrewable for loading - Liège circa 1850

rare needle percussion pistol - side hammer - damascus barrel - rifled barrel - unscrewable for loading - Liège circa 1850

‘Rare Naval Officer's Pistol With Left Hand Lock’.

‘Rare Naval Officer's Pistol With Left Hand Lock’.

naval officer's pistol - 1st Empire - lock signed Auberon in Nantes

naval officer's pistol - 1st Empire - lock signed Auberon in Nantes

pair of civil flintlock pistols - iron mount with fine chiseling - signed and localized lock - barrel with large traces of gold decoration - carved wood at the thumb piece level - France +/- 1730 - perfect mechanical condition

pair of civil flintlock pistols - iron mount with fine chiseling - signed and localized lock - barrel with large traces of gold decoration - carved wood at the thumb piece level - France +/- 1730 - perfect mechanical condition

Gendarmerie officer's pistol, model 1836

Gendarmerie officer's pistol, model 1836

Pistol type 1763-1766 from the revolutionary period

Pistol type 1763-1766 from the revolutionary period

Lantaka - 19th century miniature

Lantaka - 19th century miniature

Flintlock pistol - model 1777 - Manufacture of Saint Etienne hallmark L crowned (lambert) on the plate and j crowned (Javelle) on the pommel perfect mechanical condition - no ramrod, no belt hook

Flintlock pistol - model 1777 - Manufacture of Saint Etienne hallmark L crowned (lambert) on the plate and j crowned (Javelle) on the pommel perfect mechanical condition - no ramrod, no belt hook

Pair of Italian flintlocks - signed Lizioti - stocks inlaid with silver wire, silver pommel - truncated barrels with silver inlay

Pair of Italian flintlocks - signed Lizioti - stocks inlaid with silver wire, silver pommel - truncated barrels with silver inlay

Long flint pistol from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century

Long flint pistol from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century

Small revolver (fictitious) in its case - silver

Small revolver (fictitious) in its case - silver

Half-tree flintlock pistol - French Revolution period - war period - iron finish - marked N2

Half-tree flintlock pistol - French Revolution period - war period - iron finish - marked N2

Flintlock pistol, fired around 1825

Flintlock pistol, fired around 1825

Long flint pistol, percussion set, sights, rich brass decoration

Long flint pistol, percussion set, sights, rich brass decoration

Kukri, finely decorated blade, India 19th

Kukri, finely decorated blade, India 19th

Naval officer's saber, beautiful blade punched and marked Coulaux Klingenthal, France model 1837

Naval officer's saber, beautiful blade punched and marked Coulaux Klingenthal, France model 1837

Pair of bronze and brass wall lights

Pair of bronze and brass wall lights

Flintlock pistol, punched and signed conon, bronze mounts, worked wooden mount, inch piece, Germany circa 1780

Flintlock pistol, punched and signed conon, bronze mounts, worked wooden mount, inch piece, Germany circa 1780

Spanish pistol, plate with gold punched miquelet

Spanish pistol, plate with gold punched miquelet

Pair of percussion pistols, 2nd Republic

Pair of percussion pistols, 2nd Republic

Romantic dagger, carved ebony handle, beautiful blade decorated with blue and gold patterns

Romantic dagger, carved ebony handle, beautiful blade decorated with blue and gold patterns

Officer's pistol of the 1st Empire

Officer's pistol of the 1st Empire

rare needle percussion pistol - side hammer - cenon damascus rifled barrel unscrewable for loading - Liège circa 1850

rare needle percussion pistol - side hammer - cenon damascus rifled barrel unscrewable for loading - Liège circa 1850

Indian Katar - 19th century

Indian Katar - 19th century

Pair of senior officer flintlocks - 1st empire (signed)

Pair of senior officer flintlocks - 1st empire (signed)

Regulatory officer's pistol 1833

Regulatory officer's pistol 1833

Ceremonial sword, sword and scabbard entirely in jade, China 20th

Ceremonial sword, sword and scabbard entirely in jade, China 20th

Elegant and long flintlock hunting rifle, 2nd half of the 18th

Elegant and long flintlock hunting rifle, 2nd half of the 18th

Indo-Persian dagger, lapis lazuli hilt in the shape of a horse's head

Indo-Persian dagger, lapis lazuli hilt in the shape of a horse's head

Pistol de bord 1786

Pistol de bord 1786

Flintlock carabiner, numerous hallmarks

Flintlock carabiner, numerous hallmarks

Gendarmerie percussion carabiner, model 1842

Gendarmerie percussion carabiner, model 1842

Pair of daggers, horn hilt, 19th Blade 29 cm

Pair of daggers, horn hilt, 19th Blade 29 cm

Dagger, Left Hand, 17th.c

Dagger, Left Hand, 17th.c

Masonic Dagger Of Elected Freemason, Early 19th.c

Masonic Dagger Of Elected Freemason, Early 19th.c

Powder bulb in wood and brass.

Powder bulb in wood and brass.

Powder flask Nuremberg, 17th

Powder flask Nuremberg, 17th

Style Armor, Toledo XIXth Century

Style Armor, Toledo XIXth Century